Agendas & Minutes

Parish Council meetings are held on the second Wednesday every other month, except where stated otherwise. They start at 7.00 pm and take place in the Village Hall Committee Room. Any special meetings will be advertised accordingly.

Before the Parish Council meeting starts, 15 minutes is set aside for the Parish Forum.  During this time, parishioners can ask questions or make statements on any matter concerning the parish. However, issues already discussed and agreed upon at previous parish council meetings cannot be debated again.

Parishioners are welcome to be present during the actual Parish Council meeting but are not allowed to take part at any time, unless questions are put to them by the Chairman.

The Annual Parish Meeting is held in the spring of each year and is open to all parishioners to hear about the Parish Council’s work during the past year and to ask any questions.

Agendas are published at least 3 days before the date of the meeting and can be downloaded from below on the website. Minutes are published when available and can also be downloaded; draft Minutes remain so until approved at the next meeting of the Parish Council. Agendas and Minutes prior to 2019 can be obtained from the Parish Clerk on request.

All the links below are to PDF documents: