The Parish Council comprises of seven Members who are elected every four years. From these seven Members, a Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually.
Cllr Chris Warren (Chairman) [email protected]
Cllr Michael Andersen (Vice-Chairman) [email protected]
Cllr Andrew Harrison [email protected]
Cllr Greg Withers [email protected]
Cllr Jane Bishop [email protected]
Cllr Nigel Thomas [email protected]
Cllr Jeremy Ely [email protected]
All Councillors must sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office when they join the Parish Council. In the case of the Chairman, the Declaration must be made at the meeting at which they are elected.
Under the Localism Act 2011 and the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, all Parish Councillors are required to complete and sign a Declaration of Interest Form within 28 days of their being elected or appointed to office. Visit the Somerset Council website to download the Register of Interest forms.